Friday, March 18, 2011

Still Testing My Prescription Medication

Man. When I really put my mind to something, like deciding to start a blog and keep up with it, I really go full throttle.


I'm a failure.

It's not like I have a million, or even a hundred.... heck, I don't even have 5 people following me yet, so really I shouldn't be bothered by this failure. But I am... because I don't want to let ME down.

I started this in hopes to gain some sanity, release some of these thoughts in my head, lessen tension, anything. I seriously think WAY too much, to the point of anxiety.

So I prescribed me Blogging.

But in the midst of it, I discovered that I can't really blog about the thoughts and feelings that really go on in my head. Well... I could, but most of it would be so controversial and I would get a lot of people judging or taking... The Other Side.

(Side note: If I call you to vent about something or, in most instances, someone, and I obviously sound really passionate about whatever it is that I'm venting about... do not REASON with me. There is no OTHER side. Take my side or Just Listen. K thanks, love you.)

The solution would probably be to start a completely anonymous blog so I could vent about all the little things and persons that drive me Up The Wall without having to worry about people I KNOW judging me for writing about them exploitively or about other things that really don't matter. Because their judgement just increases my anxiety and then my blogging prescription medication is useless.

But if I didn't know you, I could totally handle your judgements because.. well... I don't know you and thus don't care all too much about what you think about me! And because I have a Queen B*tch alter ego.

My sisters would probably argue its not an alter ego, but we're not here to discuss family issues. That's for my new anonymous blog. Jay kay.

So back to me lacking the skills to blog about important things and, instead, blog about cry-me-a-river issues and Oh woe is me my world is crashing down because <insert pathetically minute situation here>.

You'd think it'd matter to me that a giant Tsunami enveloped Japan.

Um.. wow, that sounds totally insensitive. That DOES matter, but am I going to choose to blog about it?

Ugh, now I'm starting to feel guilty for not blogging about it. But, then again, that would just be too depressing to read because it was such a horrible happening and it's not like I can rescue the Japs or give them billions of dollars to recover.

Is calling the Japanese "Japs" racist? If so, I do not mean it to be. It's just less words to type. Geez, stop judging.

Come to think of it, this blog is pretty depressing so I can't win.

What I meant by the Tsunami comment is when you're sitting at a light that just turned green and the moron in front of you isn't paying any attention and probably playing Words With Friends on his iPhone and you just want to scream profanities and shoot him the bird, you're not thinking "there are starving people in Africa!"

Oh no, this guy just ruined your whole day and gave you a crap load of crap to crap -I mean blog- about.

For the record, I do not shoot the bird. I'm a classy gal.

So, Blog World.. when do you get comfortable blogging about ANYTHING? I certainly do not want to offend any fellow friends or family with my opinions and ever-so-often angry rants, it might happen. But then again, this is supposed to be about ME, not you.

Maybe I should start by googling "blog etiquette".

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